Carpet Pads and Uneven Floors

You love your home. You love the details, the way it flows, and the memories that have been made over the years.

Yet once in awhile, its time for an update. It doesn’t have to be a big change; by replacing the floors, you can freshen up the look and feel, and make you fall in love with your home all over again.

When its time to replace the flooring and you choose carpeting, it sounds like an easy task. Simply rip out the old and install the new. But what if it isn’t as easy as that. What if you have an older home, and the house simply wasn’t built to today’s standards? What do you do if your subflooring is uneven? Is there a solution to the problem, or will you have to live with sloping floors?

When your home was originally built, before the decorative side of things – your flooring – was installed, a subfloor was installed to give it a suitable base. Its also used to house heating and air conditioning ducts. Properly constructed, they increase the life of the floor you actually walk on.

If the subfloor is uneven – not level – it may contain dips or slopes as you walk across the floor. They can be subtle; so subtle you don’t even notice it when the carpet is on top. But once its removed, that’s when the problems begin. Carpet Pads and Uneven Floors Carpet Pads and Uneven Floors

It can cause a tripping hazard if it becomes more apparent.

It can cause wear and tear on your carpet, as you won’t be walking on it evenly, distributing pressure in uneven batches.

It can be a nuisance when trying to decorate. A long coach may suddenly have a wiggle or a rocking motion because of the different heights between legs.

If you are on a budget, the simplest solution is to lay carpet padding. Carpet padding adds a cushion between the subfloor and your carpet. It may cover up minor flaws and give the appearance of an even flooring. But keep in mind this is a temporary solution. The padding will wear out faster and unevenly, meaning your carpet will wear out faster in the long run.

For a more permanent solution, a leveling agent can be used. Because of the preciseness of the product, it is best handled by a professional between ripping out the old and installing the new.

You can also install plywood to bring the flooring levels up to a parallel level. Precise measurements should be used to lay plywood as needed. This is also permanent in nature, giving your floors a smooth and even look and feel.

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