How to Choose the Perfect Color for your Carpet

When it is time to replace your existing carpet, you have a large number of decisions to make. Carpet is not something that you purchase very often, which means that it is a purchase you will have to live with for many years. Understanding what to look for when you shop for carpet will help you make the decision that is right for you and your family.How to Choose the Perfect Color for your Carpet 199x300 How to Choose the Perfect Color for your Carpet

Stay Neutral

One of the best ways to ensure that you will still love your carpet a few years down the road is to choose neutral colors. Choosing colors that are in the brown family, including beige, will allow you to work your decorations around your carpeting, no matter how many times you wish to change them. Just because your carpeting cannot be changed often does not mean that you cannot change the furniture, wall décor and various other accessories as often as you want.

Color Theme

If your room is already complete and you are simply changing out the carpet, you should choose a color that compliments the color scheme that you currently have. If you are changing everything, including the color on your walls, you should make the decision regarding your walls and carpet together to ensure that they are within the same color family to maximize the size and style of your room.


If you are shopping for carpet in a brick-and-mortar store, keep in mind that the colors will look much different in your home. If it is possible, ask the carpet retailer for a sample of various colors that you think you like. This will allow you to take them home and look at them in various areas of your home for several days. When you take your time making your decision, you will be happy with the end result for a long time to come.

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