Whether your home is fairly new or many years old, it is not uncommon to have issues with squeaky floors. Squeaky floors can be quite annoying – imagine trying to go to sleep at night, only to hear your kids as they squeak back and forth between rooms.
In some cases, the squeaks can get progressively worse, to the point where they become more than just a nuisance, but an indicator of a more serious structural problem. Addressing the problem of a squeaky floor right away will help to ensure that you do not have to make more costly repairs later.
The squeak is usually caused from one of two things: the subfloors rubbing against each other or it may be the floor joists. When nails come loose, the subfloors and/or floor joists can move and rub, making the squeak. You may be able to fix the squeak on your own with 4-inch screws. You can screw these into the location where the floor is squeaking to tighten the subflooring.
However, in many cases, you may not be able to isolate the source of the squeak. In this case, you would need a flooring professional.
Hardwood floors often require the removal of some of the boards to locate the joists. You may be able to screw through the flooring to the joist to reduce the squeak – but this leaves you with a screw marring the appearance of your floor. You can buy wood filler to cover the screw, but you may have trouble getting a smooth finish. Again, this is a job more suitable for a flooring professional, who can remove the boards with minimal damage, fix the squeak and replace the boards.
Depending on the location of your squeak, you may or may not want the help of a professional. Try to find the location of the squeak on your own and then decide if you want professional assistance. Remember, this is your floor – sometimes, it is worth the extra money to ensure that your flooring is not damaged, which can cost you much more later.
For all of your Denver Hardwood Flooring needs visit our site today.
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