Cleaning your Carpets the Green Way

Today, the trend is moving towards eco-friendly ways to clean your home. More people are frowning on purchasing harmful chemicals and looking for just-as-effective alternatives. They are finding products that claim to be friendly to the environment, as well as the people and pets in your home. Cleaning your Carpets the Green Way 203x300 Cleaning your Carpets the Green Way

If you want to take your eco-friendly cleaning a step further, consider what you use to clean your carpets. A simple solution of vinegar and water could do the trick.

Kids’ Messes – Everyone has been there at one point or another – crayons, markers or glue on the carpet. You probably think it is a lost cause – do not despair! For crayons, all it takes is vinegar, a toothbrush and a little elbow grease to rub the stain right out. Glue might take a little longer with a vinegar and water solution spread on the stain. After a few minutes, blot the glue up.

Food Messes – Ketchup, chocolate, coffee and soda are all common culprits to stain the rug. Luckily, with a mixture of 2 parts water and 1 part vinegar, the stains should come right up. All of these stains should be covered with your vinegar mixture and the stain blotted up with a clean cloth until the stain disappears. [Read more…]

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