Should your Carpet Color Match your Walls?

Every homeowner has his or her own tastes when it comes to decorating the interior. There is no one rule that applies to every home. The décor that you choose is based on your personal preference. The color of your carpet and walls will be determined by the look that you desire for the rooms in your home.

Same Shade

It is possible to purchase carpeting in the same shade that you paint your walls. When Should your Carpet Color Match your Walls 199x300 Should your Carpet Color Match your Walls?the colors match it gives the illusion of more space in the room. If you are going to choose the same color carpeting as the color on your walls, you should choose a neutral color and keep that same trend throughout your entire home to have a natural flow that is not suddenly broken up by a much different color.

Complementary Shades

If you want to break things up in your home, you can choose your carpeting color first and then the paint color that complement either the walls or the furniture in the room. It is typically recommended that you choose the carpeting color first because it is the most expensive purchase and one that you will be unlikely to change in the near future. Once you have the carpet color chosen, you can take a swatch of the carpeting to the paint store to find the perfect paint color to complement your carpet. [Read more…]

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