The Finishes Available For Your Hardwood Floor

The Finishes Available For Your Hardwood Floor The Finishes Available For Your Hardwood Floor

The installation of hardwood floors in your home probably has you waiting in anticipation. You cannot wait to see the beauty and elegance that the hardwood will bring to your home.

Before you can sit back and enjoy the beauty of your hardwood floors, you have to make a few decisions – one of them being a finish. This will be the finishing touch to your floor – and the step that brings your floors the most luster and elegance.

There are three main finishes available and understanding each one will help you choose the right one for your home.

Surface finishes – these finishes are some of the most popular because of their durability and easy maintenance. They are created from a blend of synthetic resins. They form a protective coating on the surface of your floor and are available in several types. You can find surface finishes that are water-based, oil-based, acid-cured, and moisture-cured. Water-based finishes go on clear and resist changing color over time. Oil-based finishes are durable, amber-colored finishes. Acid-cured finishes are durable and go on clear or slightly amber in color. Moisture-cured finishes are durable and more resistant to moisture.

Wax finishes – these durable finishes soak into your hardwood floors and form a protective seal. The drawback to these finishes is that they tend to show spots from any contaminants – even water.

Acrylic impregnated finishes – these finishes are injected into the hardwood floors. They create a very durable, hard floor. You will find this type of finish more in commercial buildings, such as a restaurant or department store where the foot-traffic is high.

Now that you know the basics about the three types of finishes, you can begin deciding which finish you want. Choose a finish that will enhance your hardwood floor, while protecting it. Keep durability in mind, as well as maintenance and, of course, price.

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