Floating Floors – How Reliable Are They?

In years gone by, laying flooring was a long and tedious process. Floors had to be nailed down, glue and adhesives needed to be applied, mortar and cement were used to keep things in place.

While many of these same applications are still in use today (if something works, why change it?), there are many other options available as well. Like floating floors.floating floors how reliable are they Floating Floors – How Reliable Are They?

Floating floors don’t actually float; its simple a term used to refer to the installation process. Instead of having to nail or glue down each individual piece of tile or plank, they are attached to one another by means of gluing or snapping them together. Then once they are in place, they “float” above the subfloor or underlayment on to which they’ve been installed.

Think of it as a big jigsaw puzzle. The pieces are connected to one another, without being connected to what is underneath. The key is in the plastic trays used to connect one piece to another, giving it its support and stability.

While most people think of laminate flooring when they hear floating floors, in today’s world there are many options. Tiling also works well through interlocking structure, giving you a strong and sturdy flooring option anywhere in your home.

The main advantages of floating floors are:

  • They are easy and fast to install
  • They save you time and money
  • They make DIY projects easier

By using a floating method of installation, it allows your floor to expand and contract in response to changes in humidity levels. Which means you’ll rarely find a floating flooring system buckle under moist conditions. It will also never develop gaps in dry conditions.

That makes the floating flooring system the perfect choice in every room, including bathrooms and basements.

While floating floors are easier to install and can be a good DIY project, in order to get the job right the first time you may wish to use a professional. Stop by today to see our full selection of floating floor options, and let us install yours today.

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