Can Your Flooring Affect Your Allergies?

Can Your Flooring Affect Your Allergies Can Your Flooring Affect Your Allergies?

The flooring in your home is more than just an added decoration. The flooring in your home can have an effect on your allergies.

When you choose your flooring, as you’re looking at colors, styles and options, keep one thing in mind: your flooring may influence your health. While your home’s flooring is not going to prevent all allergens from getting into the air that you breathe, it can have an impact.

Consider carpet – it has been shown that carpet traps dust and allergens. Studies have shown that walking over carpeted areas, compared to walking over non-carpeted areas, releases less dust and allergens into the air. The carpet industry stresses that having a clean carpet will trap dust and allergens and lead to cleaner air quality.

Hardwood flooring, on the other hand, makes it much easier to remove the dust. When you can see the dust and remove it (by mopping and vacuuming), you are improving the air quality of your home. While carpet may have less dust and allergens stirred up, they are still trapped within the carpet fibers. With hardwood flooring, you do not have to worry about trapped allergens – you can remove the dust and allergens when you clean your floor.

When it comes to mold, carpet is much more susceptible to the growth of mold than hardwood floors. However, hardwood floors do not bode well in moist environments, either. So for places like bathrooms and basements, you should consider tile, vinyl or concrete floors. Mold is a health hazard and it should be avoided at all costs.

Overall, while the flooring in your home can have an effect on your allergies, as long as you keep your flooring clean and maintained, you can enjoy any flooring you want. The flooring you choose should not be solely dependent on allergies – instead, choose flooring that is easy for you to clean and maintain for as long as you have the flooring in your home.

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