If you are thinking about buying an Oriental rug for your home, you are making a good choice. Adding an Oriental rug will bring with it a great sense of style to your home. This kind of custom rug offers an understated elegance that you will not find in other area rugs or carpeting. However, before you rush off to buy the first custom Oriental rug you can find, keep the following tips in mind to ensure that you buy the right rug for your home.
Choose your seller with care – there may be numerous places from which you can buy an Oriental rug – but only a few of those places have the high quality rug you need. Choose a seller with a solid reputation of satisfying customers and selling only quality merchandise. Quality Oriental rugs are NOT a dime a dozen.
Know your rugs – do a little research and learn about Oriental rugs before you shop. Having a basic understanding of how these rugs are woven will help you know what to look for in a rug to ensure that it is constructed to the highest level of standards. Pay attention to the knots, including density and fineness, as you examine the construction of the rug. You want a rug that is both beautiful and durable.
Take your time – there is no rush when it comes to buying an Oriental rug. Take your time and shop around, comparing not only prices, but also rug styles. Find the style that best catches your fancy and then start narrowing your choices down.
Follow your heart – when buying an Oriental rug, choose one that captures your heart. This is an investment, and it should be one that you love. Take your new purchase home and try it out for a few days to ensure that it is exactly what you want.
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